
  Welcome and Introduction
  (1) Welcome and Introduction
  Prof. Yoshiaki Kawashima, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan
  Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Joachim Ulrich, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  Invited Lecture
  (1) Formulation computer aided design, key tool for a right-first-time workflow to speed-up time to market
  Prof. Dr. Dipl. Phys. Hans Leuenberger , Institute for Innovation in Industrial Pharmacy, The Swiss Confederation
  Session1: Microreactor Technology
  (1)Design of Polymer Materials Using Microfluidics
  Prof. Dr. Tsutomu Ono, Okayama University, Japan
  (2)Microreactors and their three Intensification Fields - From Fine Chemistry to Particle Making
  Prof. Dr. Volker Hessel, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Germany
  Session2: Crystallization
  (1)Crystal Quality Control by using Modulated Operation of Solution Supersaturation
  Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Takiyama, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
  (2)New Approaches to Form Coated Tablets, Pellets or Granules for Pharmaceutical-, Agro- or Chemical Industries
  Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Joachim Ulrich, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
  Session3: Pharmaceutical
  (1)Recent Advances in Dosage Form Design Based on Particle Engineering
  Prof. Dr. Hirofumi Takeuchi, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan
  (2)Recent Developments in Granulation with Special Focus on Roller Compaction
  Prof. Dr. Klaus Juergen Steffens, University of Bonn, Germany
  (3)Particle Design for Oral Absorption of Sparingly Water Soluble Drug with Porous Material Prepared by Supercritical Fluid System
  Prof. Dr. Katsuhide Terada, Toho University, Japan
  Session4: Porous Functional Material, Supercritical Fluid
  (1) Simple Synthesis of Industrially Important Zeolites: OSDA-Free, Seed-Assisted Approach
  Prof. Dr. Tatsuya Okubo, The University of Tokyo, Japan
  (2) Synthesis and Application of Porous Coordination Polymers
  Prof. Dr. Martin Hartmann, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
  (3) Supercritical Hydrothermal Synthesis of Organic Modified Nanoparticles. Toward Super Hybrid Materials.
  Prof. Dr. Tadafumi Adschiri, Tohoku University, Japan

(4) Electro spinning of nano hollow fibers in compressed gases

  Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Arlt, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
  Session5: Fine Powder and Nanotechnology, Colloid and Interface Control
  (1) Nanoparticles Dispersion / Aggregation Behavior Control for its Application in Various Field
  Prof. Dr. Hidehiro Kamiya, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
  (2) Engineered functional particle systems
  Prof. Dr.Wolfgang Peukert, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
  (3) Template-Free Fabrication of Ordered Grid Array of Colloidal Particles by Convective Self-Assembly
  Prof. Dr. Minoru Miyahara, Kyoto University, Japan
  (4)Fabrication and Wetting Properties of Superhydrophobic and Superamphiphobic Layers Made from Particles
  Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Butt, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Germany
  Session6: Energy and Environment
  (1)Improvement of Pulverized Coal Combustion by the Application of Powder Technology
  Dr. Hiromi Shirai, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan
  (2)Pulverized Coal Combustion in O2/CO2 - Atmosphere
  Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kneer, Institute of Heat and Mass Transfer, RWTH Aachen, Germany