IPNF2012 is pleased to invite you to learn more about Japanese advancement as well as German. The forum will enable us to introduce the latest technologies developed in Japan. The main focus of the forum will be on porous materials, nanotechnology, interface control, crystallization, supercritical fluids and microreactor design and operation. These key topics cover specific strengths of both Japan and Germany in the field of chemical, pharmaceutical, energy and environment industries.
Honorary President:
Yoshiaki Kawashima, Aichi Gakuin University, Japan
The forum will suggest: plenary and keynote lectures and panel discussions by invited speakers, short oral and poster presentations by industrial APPIE members and academia. In the panel discussions, leading researchers and engineers will assemble for exchanging their views on key issues, the latest technology, research system, etc. Providing English-German-Japanese simultaneous interpretation is under consideration.
Official language
The official language of the forum is English.