ACHEMA 2022: World Forum and Leading Show for the Process Industries - ACHEMA

Day1 Poster session (Tuesday, 23 August)

Crystallization session
Local time

15:00 - 16:00

Synthetic Data Sets and Convolutional Neural Networks Enable the Quantification of Crystal Growth From Photomicrographs During Crystallization Processes

Daniel Bischoff | Technical University of Munich

Rational Crystal Contact Engineering Enhances the Purification of Technical Relevant Oxidoreductases Through Protein Crystallization

Brigitte Walla | Technical University of Munich

Anion exchange properties of hydrocalumite particles synthesized by a Taylor vortex crystallizer

Yoshiyuki Shirakawa | Doshisha University

Analysis with molecular dynamics simulation for incorporation of halogen ions into NaCl crystals

Yuhei Tsugawa | Doshisha University

Day2 Poster session (Wednesday, 24 August)

Pharmaceutical session
Local time

14:30 - 15:30

A few-grams scale production of controlled-release microparticles using a novel miniature fluidized-bed spray-coater

Hideki Ichikawa | Kobe Gakuin University


Gentaro Nemoto | Ohkawara Kakohki co., Ltd.

The schedule is subject to change without notice.